Monday, July 28, 2008

the reality

OMG!!!!!At this very moment I just finished reading ‘A Brush with Reality:Surprises in the Tube”.Now I’m thinking am I going to brush my teeth anymore. I just can’t imagine that I had been brushing my teeth with chalk,water,paint,seaweed,antifreeze,paraffin oil,detergent,etc for 20 years.

Why the manufacturers can put this kind of ingredients into something that we have to use everyday? Does it mean that they are putting all these things in to their mouth at least twice a day? Or maybe the toothpaste that they are using are not the one that consumer is using? Do they rally have to put all these things into something that people have to use everyday? Day after day will it has any side effect on our teeth? Do the manufacturers in Malaysia also use the same ingredients to make toothpaste? Is profit so important compared to human health? Do you think that they should treat human better by giving them a better and safer product? If human cannot treat the others better and fair,how can human be expected to treat animal with a kind heart?

After asking myself this questions, I think that actually this can be a better world if human doesn’t care about money, profit and material. Without it, human won’t do anything that is against their humanity and heart.

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