Wednesday, May 13, 2009

a comments after watching little nyonya)

why is there a social gap between men and women? After so many years of civilization, women are still considered as the inferior group in famliy, education, society and economically. Women choose to put family at the 1st place and be more considarable to givr the best to the children but why are they still treated badly by men?what so great about their name as men?so what if you are more capable in inheriting the family's name?men still need women in reproduction progress, boys also get a better chance compared to girls in the same family, they will be given the best resources that the family had and girls had to be tolerate and let them have the best thing while the only outcome that they can give is useless and meaningless stuft.i tell myself that i had enough of this even if i cannot change the fate of all women in the earth at least i can change my own fate, a fate that is govern by the law. i always agree with the act that western community especially women guarantee their own benefits by signing a pre marriage agreement that will govern their life after marry.

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